Cheesecake bonbon lollipop danish cake liquorice. Fruitcake candy sesame snaps topping donut bear claw bonbon tootsie roll. Pudding sugar plum jelly-o.
Replete modal opens with 9 different positions on the screen.
Replete Modal have 5 different background overlay style and easy customization of overlay.
Smooth and beautiful animations based on CSS3: flip, bounce, fade, rotate and many more slide effects.
Effective and Attractive Modal Layouts.Totally different modal layouts with 10 different Modal Layouts.
Different Modal types with close button on right corner and with different states like Success, Error etc.
SVG Icons is a best part of the modal. Too easy and simple to use SVG Icons with name of the icon.
A fully responsive layout that adapts perfectly for all device resolutions like mobiles, tablets and desktops.
You can use any HTML elements inside tabs content: text, images, video, forms, etc.
Includes headings, paragraphs, images, unordered and ordered lists, etc.
You can use these examples as a base for creation your own popup modals simple and fast.
Optimized to support the high quality and crisp graphics on retina screens.
Take full advantage of modern web technologies. Semantic HTML markup and standards compliant CSS.
Tested on Windows (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE9, IE10), Mac (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera), iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android.
Extensive step-by-step guide to help you with usage and customization.
To get support please send me an email through the contact form on my profile page.
Products get maintained with improvements and bug fixes.
Unique feature for replete modal. You can define custom width for your modal.
To prevent ot block pop up, you can set cookie according to your choice from given options