# How to add Search in starter-kit

Search has been implemented in the full-version only. If you have started your project using the starter kit as per our suggestion, please follow the below steps in order to implement search functionality:

  1. Copy full-version/src/layouts/components/Autocomplete.tsx file and paste it in the same path in the starter-kit folder

Using fake-db

  1. Copy the full-version/src/@fake-db/app-bar-search/index.ts file & AppBarSearchType type from the full-version/src/@fake-db/types.ts file and paste them into the same paths in the starter-kit folder

Not using fake-db

  1. Update the useEffect hook (in which API is called using axios) according to the your requirement and also copy the AppBarSearchType type from the full-version/src/@fake-db/types.ts file & paste it in the starter-kit/src/layouts/components/Autocomplete.tsx file.

  2. Import starter-kit/src/layouts/components/Autocomplete.tsx file in the starter-kit/src/layouts/components/vertical/AppBarContent.tsx and/or starter-kit/src/layouts/components/horizontal/AppBarContent.tsx file(s) and use it in whichever way you want

And this is it. Enjoy searching in the template.

Last Updated: 8/8/2024, 6:07:23 AM