# How to add i18n in starter-kit

I18n has been implemented in the full version only. If you have started your project using the starter kit as per our suggestion, please follow the below steps to implement i18n functionality:

  • Add the NavBarI18n.vue component in the navbar of the horizontal and vertical layout.


    # DefaultLayoutWithVerticalNav.vue | DefaultLayoutWithHorizontalNav.vue
    <script lang="ts" setup>
    import NavBarI18n from '@/layouts/components/NavBarI18n.vue'
        <template #navbar="{ toggleVerticalOverlayNavActive }">
          <NavbarThemeSwitcher />
          <VSpacer />
          <NavBarI18n />
          <UserProfile />
  • Register the i18n plugin in the main.ts file.


    # main.ts
    import i18n from '@/plugins/i18n'
    const app = createApp(App)
    // Mount vue app
  • Also, register vite-plugin-vue-i18n in the vite config.



    import VueI18n from '@intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n'
    export default defineConfig({
        imports: [...,'vue-i18n'],
        vueTemplate: true,
        runtimeOnly: true,
        compositionOnly: true,
        include: [
          fileURLToPath(new URL('./src/plugins/i18n/locales/**', import.meta.url)),
  • Now enable i18n in the themeConfig.ts file. You can find it in the root directory.

    enableI18n: true,

    We have successfully added i18n to the starter-kit.