# Understand Authentication & ACL - First Visit (Part 1)

# 1. Vue Apps get loaded First visit

<!-- file: index.html -->

<script  type="module"  src="/src/main.ts"></script>

# 2. CASL initializes

// file: src/main.ts

app.use(abilitiesPlugin, ability, {
  useGlobalProperties: true,

Along with other plugins, CASL (opens new window) (Access Control library) gets initialized.

Notice we are assigning ability to user of the app by passing ability imported from @/plugins/casl/ability.

# 3. Read existing ability from localStorage

// file: src/plugins/casl/ability.ts

// 👉 Handles auto fetching previous abilities if already logged in user
// ℹī¸ You can update this if you store user abilities to more secure place
// ❗ Anyone can update localStorage so be careful and please update this

const stringifiedUserAbilities = localStorage.getItem('userAbilities')

To determine the abilities of the user, we can check for the presence of the userAbilities key and its value in localStorage.

This is necessary because when a user logs in and then reloads the page, the assigned abilities are lost and need to be retrieved from storage. By storing the user's abilities in localStorage, we can ensure that they are persisted even after the page is reloaded.

# 4. Parse ability retrieved from localStorage

// file: src/plugins/casl/ability.ts

// 👉 Handles auto fetching previous abilities if already logged in user
// ℹī¸ You can update this if you store user abilities to more secure place
// ❗ Anyone can update localStorage so be careful and please update this

const stringifiedUserAbilities = localStorage.getItem('userAbilities')
const existingAbility = stringifiedUserAbilities ? JSON.parse(stringifiedUserAbilities) : null

export default new Ability(existingAbility || initialAbility)

If the userAbilities key is present in localStorage, we will retrieve it as a string in the stringifiedUserAbilities variable. This is because we stored the ability object using JSON.stringify. In order to obtain the JavaScript object from the stringified object, we need to use JSON.parse.

The existingAbility constant will hold either the existing ability object or null if no ability is found.

# 5. Create Ability instance

// file: src/plugins/casl/ability.ts

export default new Ability(existingAbility || initialAbility)

To create an Ability instance, we use the code existingAbility || initialAbility. This means that if the user already has an existing ability, that ability will be used. Otherwise, the initial ability will be assigned. The initial ability is defined in initialAbility.

When a user visits our Vue app for the first time, they will not have any existing ability, so they will always be assigned the initialAbility when they visit for the first time.

It is important to make sure that there are enough abilities included in initialAbility so that first-time users can visit public pages such as the login page, the 404 page, the not authorized page, the register page, and the forgot password page.

# 6. App starts navigation

// file: src/main.ts


Now, all plugins are loaded and Vue Router starts navigation.

# 7. Router's beforeEach guard (Routing ACL)

// file: src/router/index.ts

router.beforeEach(to => { ... } )

When a user navigates to a new page in a Vue app, Vue Router will trigger navigation guards (opens new window) to check if the user is allowed to access the page. The beforeEach (opens new window) guard is one of these navigation guards.

Using this we are checking if the user has the necessary abilities to access the requested page. If the user does not have the enough abilities, the beforeEach guard will redirect them to an appropriate location (such as a "not authorized" page).

If the user has the enough abilities, the beforeEach guard will allow them to proceed to the requested page. This helps to ensure that users can only access pages that they are allowed to based on their abilities.

# 8. Check user is logged in?

// file: src/router/index.ts

const isLoggedIn = isUserLoggedIn()

To check if the user is logged in, we can check for the presence of accessToken and userData in localStorage. If either of these values is missing, we can conclude that the user is not logged in and set isLoggedIn to false.

We will later use this variable in our navigation guard.

# 9. Can user navigate to requested route?

// file: src/router/index.ts

if (canNavigate(to)) 

To determine if the user can navigate to the route, the canNavigate function uses the can (opens new window) method from the CASL library. canNavigate read requested route's (in this, it's to) meta action & subject and pass it to can method.

# 10. Redirect if accessing page that is forbidden for logged in users

// file: src/router/index.ts

if (to.meta.redirectIfLoggedIn && isLoggedIn)
  return '/'

We are in this block, that means user can navigate to requested route. However, there are certain pages in your app you want to restrict visiting after login. This pages includes Login, Register, Forgot password, etc.

To achieve this, we will use route meta redirectIfLoggedIn. At the moment, user is logged in and if redirectIfLoggedIn route meta is present in requested route then we will redirect user to home page.

This is useful for ensuring that logged in users cannot access pages such as the login or registration page, which they should not need to visit again once they are already logged in.

If a route's meta doesn't have redirectIfLoggedIn set to true, then the user will be allowed to visit the page without any redirection occurring. This is common behavior when a user is logged in and trying to access pages that they are permitted to visit.

# 11. Redirect user on appropriate location

// file: src/router/index.ts

if (isLoggedIn)
  return { name: 'not-authorized' }

We are in else block that means user don't have enough abilities to visit the requested route.

Next, we will check if user is logged in.

  • If user is logged in that means, user is trying to access restricted page after login and we will simply redirect user to not authorized page (indicates user don't have enough abilities to visit the page).
  • If user is not logged in that means, user is trying to access page that is only for logged in users. Here, we will simply redirect user to login page so user can login. Moreover, we will take URL of request route and pass it as to query while redirect user to login page so we can redirect user to requested page after successful login.

Passing requested route's URL in to query param is useful in cases where someone sent link to some specific page (e.g. invoice page) and user directly tries to access it. In this case, user will get redirected to login page and after login we will redirect user to requested page (in this example, invoide page) instead of redirecting user to home page.