Style Customization

Style Usage

Chameleon Admin manages all scss files in src/scss/ folder and users scss files inside assets/scss/ folder. Both src/scss/ and assets/ folders can be found in root of the downloaded package.

Gulp command for scss compile will generate all css files in app-assets/css.

Heads Up!

It is not recommend you to change any scss files inside app-assets core files as it will get replace in next updates.

SCSS files structure for chameleon assets.

                    ├── src/
                    |   ├── scss/
                    |   |   ├── bootstrap/
                    |   |   ├── bootstrap-extended/
                    |   |   ├── core/
                    |   |   ├── pages/
                    |   |   ├── plugins/
                    |   ├── bootstrap.scss
                    |   ├── bootstrap-extended.scss
                    |   ├── components.scss
                    |   ├── colors.scss
                    |   ├── custom-rtl.scss

Following is the details of what all scss folders.

# Folder/Files Details
1 bootstrap bootstrap/ folder contain Bootstrap 4 core scss files, that can be updated with future bootstrap updates.
2 bootstrap-extended bootstrap-extended/ folder contain customized bootstrap scss files for Chameleon Admin.
3 components components/ folder contain Chameleon Admin all custom components and pages scss files.
4 core core/ folder contain colors, layouts, menu, mixins and variables folder.
5 plugins plugins/ folder contains all vendors scss files.
6 pages pages/ folder contains all custom pages scss files.
7 bootstrap-extended.scss bootstrap-extended.scss file is for those bootstrap components which are customized for this theme. It include all files from bootstrap-extended/ folder.
8 bootstrap.scss bootstrap.scss file is bootstrap file which includes all the core bootstrap files from bootstrap/ folder. It extends the default bootstrap variable by using file scss/core/variables/_variables.scss
9 colors.scss colors.scss file includes all colors palette related files from scss/core/colors/ folder.
10 components.scss components.scss file includes all theme components files from scss/components/ folder.
11 custom-rtl.scss custom-rtl.scss file contain custom rtl layout related scss only.

To customize the theme default color and styling You can change following files scss/core/variables/_variables.scss, scss/core/variables/_components-variables.scss & scss/core/colors/palette-variables.scss as per your preferred colors & styling.

Heads Up!

It is not recommend to change any scss files inside src/scss/ folder apart from following scss/core/variables/_variables.scss, scss/core/variables/_components-variables.scss & scss/core/colors/palette-variables.scss scss files to avoid future update conflicts. If you still modify any other files, it may requires to merge it manually with future updates.

  • _variables.scss: file contain bootstrap variables which overrides default bootstrap variables, You can use any bootstrap variable to customize it. By using this file you can change bootstrap primary, secondary, success, danger etc... colors & lot more.
  • _components-variables.scss: file contain theme components variables, You can customize it based on your preferences.
  • palette-variables.scss: file contain all colors variables, You can customize it based on your preferences.

Always take back-up of following files scss/core/variables/_variables.scss, scss/core/variables/_components-variables.scss & scss/core/colors/palette-variables.scss scss files if you are changing them as some times it require manual merge when we release new updates.


If you are not familiar with SCSS, you can write your own css in assets/css/style.css file, it will overrides theme default css.

CSS files structure for assets.

Users can add their changes or new scss files in assets/scss folder to avoid any unwanted behavior. We recommend you to not change any files in app-assets for future release safe updates.

                    ├── assets/
                    |   ├── css/
                    |   |   ├── style-rtl.css
                    |   |   ├── style.css
                    |   ├── js/
                    |   |   ├── scripts.js

If you are familiar with SCSS, Use assets/scss folder's style.scss / style-rtl.scss file to write your custom scss. Stack admin sass-compile command will compile this files and generate css files under assets/css/ folder.

If you are not familiar with SCSS, Use assets/css folder's style.css/style-rtl.css file to write your custom css.

You can add your new files or folder in assets/ folder to avoid any future conflicts or merge.