Bootstrap Cards

Content Types

Cards support a wide variety of content, including images, text, list groups, links, and more. Mix and match multiple content types to create the card you need.

List Group

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

  • Cras justo odio
  • Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • Morbi leo risus
  • Porta ac consectetur ac
  • Vestibulum at eros

Contact Form

Support card subtitle

Text Alignment

You can quickly change the text alignment of any card—in its entirety or specific parts—with our text align classes.

Text Align Left

Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé.Tootsie roll bonbon liquorice tiramisu pie powder.Donut sweet roll marzipan pastry cookie cake tootsie roll oat cake cookie.

Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé. Tart lollipop carrot cake sugar plum. Marshmallow wafer tiramisu jelly beans.

Go somewhere

Text Align Center

Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé.Tootsie roll bonbon liquorice tiramisu pie powder.Donut sweet roll marzipan pastry cookie cake tootsie roll oat cake cookie.

Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé. Tart lollipop carrot cake sugar plum. Marshmallow wafer tiramisu jelly beans.

Go somewhere

Text Align Right

Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé.Tootsie roll bonbon liquorice tiramisu pie powder.Donut sweet roll marzipan pastry cookie cake tootsie roll oat cake cookie.

Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé. Tart lollipop carrot cake sugar plum. Marshmallow wafer tiramisu jelly beans.

Go somewhere

Card Headings

Special title treatment

With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

Go somewhere

Multiple Thumbnail

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Content title

Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé.Tootsie roll bonbon liquorice tiramisu pie powder.Donut sweet roll marzipan pastry cookie cake tootsie roll oat cake cookie.

Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé. Tart lollipop carrot cake sugar plum. Marshmallow wafer tiramisu jelly beans.

Navbar Color Options

Layout Options

Sidebar menu Background

Sidebar Background Image
background image
background image
background image
background image