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Change default language

This guide provides steps to change the default language in your project. If you need to add a new language, please refer to this guide.

Step 1: Update defaultLocale

Modify the defaultLocale in the src/configs/i18n.ts file to set your desired default language. For example, to change the default language to German (de):

export const i18n = {
defaultLocale: 'de', // Set German as the default language
locales: ['en', 'de'],
langDirection: {
en: 'ltr',
de: 'ltr'
} as const

Step 2: Update redirects

Adjust the redirects in the next.config.mjs file to ensure the new default language is correctly routed. Here's an example of how to change the redirects for German as the default language:

redirects: async () => {
return [
source: '/',
destination: '/de/dashboards/crm',
permanent: false
source: '/:lang(en|de)',
destination: '/:lang/dashboards/crm',
permanent: false
source: '/((?!(?:en|de)\\b)):path',
destination: '/de/:path',
permanent: true,
locale: false

Step 3: Clear browser cache

After completing the above steps, delete the .next folder before running your project again. You may also need to clear the browser cache to see the changes. Refer to this guide for more information. Alternatively, test the changes in your browser's Guest Mode.

By following these steps, you have successfully changed the default language of your project. Ensure to test thoroughly to verify that all routes and translations are working as expected.