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React Draft Wysiwyg

react-draft-wysiwyg is a third-party library. Please refer to its official documentation for more details.

Controlled Editor

'use client'

// React Imports
import { useState } from 'react'

// Third-party Imports
import { EditorState } from 'draft-js'

// Styled Component Import
import AppReactDraftWysiwyg from '@/libs/styles/AppReactDraftWysiwyg'

const EditorControlled = () => {
// States
const [value, setValue] = useState(EditorState.createEmpty())

return <AppReactDraftWysiwyg editorState={value} onEditorStateChange={data => setValue(data)} />

export default EditorControlled
Uncontrolled Wysiwyg Editor

'use client'

// Styled Component Import
import AppReactDraftWysiwyg from '@/libs/styles/AppReactDraftWysiwyg'

const EditorUncontrolled = () => <AppReactDraftWysiwyg />

export default EditorUncontrolled