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How to use internationalization in a page

· 2 min read

Materio admin provides internationalization for navigation only. There might be a time when you might want to translate any text in a page. Here's how you can achieve that:

  1. Make sure your have @formatjs/intl-localematcher, @types/negotiator (Typescript version only), and negotiator packages installed
  2. It is important to have locale defined in your path. For eg. en/apps/calendar where en is a locale which refers to the English language
  3. Create JSON files with language as their file names in locales depending on the languages you need. For example, we're using three languages English, French & Arabic
"helloWorld": "Hello World",
"text": {
"paragraph": "This is a paragraph"
"navigation": {
"helloWorld": "Bonjour le monde",
"text": {
"paragraph": "C'est un paragraphe"
"navigation": {
"helloWorld": "مرحبا بالعالم",
"text": {
"paragraph": "هذه فقرة"
"navigation": {
  1. Import getDictionary and type { locale } in the page where you want to translate the content
import { getDictionary } from '@/utils/get-dictionary'
import type { Locale } from '@configs/i18n'
  1. You can now initialize the getDictionary and pass the locale as a parameter. This will return a promise which you can use to get the dictionary
// Type Imports
import type { Locale } from '@configs/i18n'

// Util Imports
import { getDictionary } from '@/utils/get-dictionary'

const Component = async ({ params }: { params: { lang: Locale } }) => {

// getDictionary only called on the server side, calling it on the client side will throw an error
const dictionary = await getDictionary(params.lang)

return (

export default Component

That's it! You can now translate any text in your page.