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For comprehensive details on the TimelineDot component, refer to the MUI Timeline Documentation.

We have extended MUI's TimelineDot component to include a variant='tonal' option. This enhancement is aimed at boosting the aesthetic appeal of the TimelineDot with a unique tonal theme, adding an extra layer of visual interest.


This documentation focuses on the newly introduced variant='tonal'. All standard props provided by MUI's TimelineDot component remain accessible.

TimelineDot Skins

The variant='tonal' option gives the TimelineDot component a unique tonal effect, making it visually distinct and subtly enhancing its appearance compared to the standard look.


Here's how to apply the variant='tonal' to the TimelineDot:

// MUI Imports
import Timeline from '@mui/lab/Timeline'
import TimelineItem from '@mui/lab/TimelineItem'
import TimelineSeparator from '@mui/lab/TimelineSeparator'
import TimelineConnector from '@mui/lab/TimelineConnector'
import TimelineContent from '@mui/lab/TimelineContent'
import TimelineDot from '@mui/lab/TimelineDot'

<Timeline position='alternate'>
<TimelineDot color='primary' variant='tonal'>
<i className='bx-image-alt' />
<TimelineConnector />
<TimelineDot color='success' variant='tonal'>
<i className='bx-star' />


We've extended the TimelineDot component's props to include our custom variant option:

variant'filled' | 'outlined' | 'tonal''filled'NoSet to 'tonal' to apply the unique tonal effect