Collapse Animation
Collapse below section for collapse content Animation. Use data-animation="animation"
to <a>
tag to animate accordian text. It also required .collapseAnimation
Click on 'Play' icon to animate alert. Use data-animation="animation"
to <a>
tag as icon wrapper to animate alert. It also required .alertAnimation
Card Animation
Card Animation on appear. Use data-appear="appear"
and data-animation="animation"
to .card
to animate card on appear.
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Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.
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Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.
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Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.
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Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.
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Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.
Fade In Left
Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.