Jelly beans sugar plum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer elit.
Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.
I like your portfolio, let's start.
I have seen your work, there is
Can we have call in this week ?
We have project party this saturday.
A jQuery plugin to create an highly customizable front-end tag system.
By default case-sensitive is false. Set it to true to allow case sensitive.
By default close char is "×". Pass empty string close-char:"" To remove close char.
By default you can edit the tag you just deleted from the tag box. set it edit-on-delete:false to avoid that.
By Default duplicate tags are not allowed, set no-duplicate:false to allow duplicates.
Enter key add a new tag by default, set it no-enter:true to avoid that.
Comma "," key add a new tag by default, set it no-comma:true to avoid that.
You can pass an array like ["," , ".", "_", "?"] of forbidden chars.
["," , ".", "_", "?"]
Following words as forbidden, "bastard","bitch","biatch","bloody".
Define your pre tag separator. In this example / is used as pre tag separator.
If false, clicking away from the $type_zone won't add a new tag.
Define your tag char. In this example we have used * as tag char.
Define your Class of the type-zone.
Check your console to see the special key objects.
Object {comma: 188, enter: 13, spacebar: 32, del: 46, backspace: 8}
Check your console to see the returned value.