# Static Navigation Menu

# Overview

On this page, you will understand how to use a static navigation menu in Vertical layout as well as in Horizontal layout.

# Vertical layout

To use the static navigation menu in the Vertical layout, follow these steps:

  • You need to write all of your navigation section titles, navigation groups and navigation links in this structure in the src/navigation/vertical/index.ts file
  • And then import src/navigation/vertical/index.ts file in src/layouts/UserLayout.tsx file and pass it as shown below:

# Horizontal layout


As mentioned here, you need to add menu items for Vertical Navigation as well. Please follow these steps to add the Vertical Navigation and then follow the steps explained below.

To use the static navigation menu in the Horizontal layout, follow these steps:

  • You need to write all of your navigation groups and navigation links in this structure in the src/navigation/horizontal/index.ts file
  • And then import src/navigation/horizontal/index.ts file in src/layouts/UserLayout.tsx file and pass it as shown below:
Last Updated: 7/15/2022, 7:44:41 PM