
Template footer options with responsive and all the options.

Here’s an example of basic footer.

Remove .bg-footer-theme or any other background color like .bg-{color} class for transparent footer.

Here’s an example of footer with UI Elements.

Color Schemes PRO

Theming the footer has never been easier thanks to the combination of theming classes and background-color utilities. Then, customize with .bg-* utilities.

Class Value
class="footer bg-{value}" primary | secondary | success | danger | warning | info | light | dark | white

Here’s an example of footer theme. Use .bg-footer-theme class to change footer according to theme.

Here is the theme basic footer mixin which allow you to easily create footer by adding your own class and colors.

@mixin template-footer-style($parent, $bg, $color: null, $active-color: null, $border: null)
@include template-footer-style('.bg-footer-theme', $body-bg, $color: $body-color, $active-color: $headings-color);

Advanced, responsive footer with more options and advanced stylings.

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