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Why app runs slow in local?

There are two main reasons why the app runs slow in your local system:

Complexity of MUI Components

MUI is known for its comprehensive and feature-rich components. However, this complexity can sometimes lead to slower rendering times, especially when these components are being rendered for the first time in a development environment. Complex components require more computing resources to render, which can be noticeable on less powerful machines or when the application is handling a large number of these components simultaneously.

Styling with Emotion

MUI components utilize the sx prop and the styled function for inline styling, relying on Emotion, a popular CSS-in-JS library. While Emotion provides powerful styling capabilities, it can also add some overhead to the rendering process. This is because Emotion dynamically generates and injects CSS into the DOM, a process that can be more resource-intensive than traditional CSS, particularly during development when hot reloading and other development tools are in use.

For a more in-depth understanding of performance considerations with MUI, particularly version 5, refer to this MUI GitHub discussion. It provides insights into specific issues and optimizations related to MUI.

Performance in Production

It's important to note that these performance issues are generally confined to the local development environment. When your application is deployed:

  • On a Server: The application typically runs with optimized production builds, which significantly reduces the impact of these issues.
  • Local Production Build: Running a production build of your application locally can also offer a more realistic assessment of its performance.