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This guide outlines how to use Recharts, a composable charting library built on React components, in conjunction with Material-UI styling within a Next.js application. For more information on Recharts, see the official documentation.


Recharts offers a suite of customizable chart components, making it straightforward to create and render various types of charts in your React applications. The library provides a simple yet flexible way to visualize data.

Styling Recharts

To ensure the charts from Recharts align with the Material-UI theme of your application, we use AppRecharts, a styled component that modifies Recharts components to using Material-UI styles.

Styled Component: AppRecharts

AppRecharts is a styled div component that applies Material-UI theming to Recharts elements, ensuring a consistent look and feel with the rest of your application.

Example: Defining AppRecharts

// MUI imports and styling
import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles';

// Styled Components
const AppRecharts = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({
// Custom styles for Recharts components...

export default AppRecharts;

This code snippet demonstrates how AppRecharts provides Material-UI themed styling to Recharts' graphical elements.

Implementing the Styled Recharts

Using AppRecharts, you can easily incorporate beautifully styled charts into your Next.js application.

Example: Creating an Area Chart

// Next Imports
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'

import { AreaChart, Area, XAxis, YAxis, CartesianGrid, Tooltip, ResponsiveContainer } from '@/libs/Recharts';

const AppRecharts = dynamic(() => import('@/libs/styles/AppRecharts'))

const RechartsAreaChart = () => {
// Sample data for the chart
const data = [
// Chart data...

return (
<AreaChart height={350} data={data} >
{/* Recharts components and configuration */}

export default RechartsAreaChart;

In this example, RechartsAreaChart is a component that uses AppRecharts to render an area chart. The chart follows the Material-UI theme.