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How to setup Pages in your project


This documentation is a detailed guide on the process of developing pages within our template, with a specific focus on structure, API integration, database management, and styling. We will use the FAQ page as a practical example to illustrate these concepts, making it easier for developers to understand and apply these principles in their own work.


When adding new pages that require dependencies not included in our package, it's essential to install the necessary packages. This ensures that all functionalities are supported and operational within our project framework. Proper package management is crucial for the seamless integration and performance of new pages. You may refer to all the dependencies from here.

Server File and API Integration

Location and Structure

  • Path: The server files for pages are located at src/app/[lang]/(dashboard)/(private)/pages (if translation (i18n) feature is implemented) or src/app/(dashboard)/(private)/pages (if translation (i18n) feature is not implemented).

  • Example: For the FAQ page, find the server file at src/app/[lang]/(dashboard)/(private)/pages/faq/page.tsx.

API Call Implementation

  • Handling API Calls: In the FAQ page example, the server file includes a function getFaqData to fetch data from the API.

    const getFaqData = async () => {
    const res = await fetch(`${process.env.API_URL}/pages/faq`); // Your API URL
    if (!res.ok) {
    throw new Error('Failed to fetch faqData');
    return res.json();

    const FAQPage = async () => {
    const data = await getFaqData();
    return <FAQ data={data} />;

    export default FAQPage

Creating APIs

API File Location

  • Path: APIs specific to pages are created in src/app/api/pages.

Routing and Functionality

You may refer to the Next.js routing conventions here.

  • Routing: The API routing follows the Next.js app router conventions.

  • Example: The API for the FAQ page is defined in src/app/api/pages/faq/route.ts.

    import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
    import { db } from '@/app/api/fake-db/pages/faq';

    export async function GET() {
    return NextResponse.json(db);

Using Fake Databases

Storing Fake Data

  • Path: Fake database files are stored at src/fake-db/pages.

  • Example: FAQ Page Fake Database is located in src/fake-db/pages/faq/index.ts.

    import type { FaqType } from '@/types/pages/faqTypes';

    export const db: FaqType[] = [
    // ...FAQ data...
  • For integrating real databases and API calls, refer to Using Real APIs for detailed steps.

Component and Style Management

Component Location

  • Path: Page-related components are in src/views/pages.

Styling Approach

  • Recommended Styling: Use Tailwind classes for styling. If custom styles is not possible with Tailwind then only create a styles.module.css file in the respective page folder.

  • Example: For the FAQ page, styles are organized in src/views/pages/faq.

This guide provides a comprehensive understanding of how to develop pages in our template. By following the structure and practices outlined here, developers can ensure a smooth integration of their work with the existing template, maintaining high standards of code quality and consistency. The FAQ page serves as a practical example to visualize and understand these concepts effectively.