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How to change Custom Colors

The customColors object shown below is added in core theme file src/@core/theme/colorSchemes.ts.

light: {
palette: {
primary: {
customColors: {
dark: {
palette: {
primary: {
customColors: {

In order to change the custom colors of the template, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Open the file src/components/theme/mergedTheme.ts and override the color as per your requirement. The example shows how to change the bodyBg color.

     colorSchemes: {
    light: {
    palette: {
    secondary: {
    customColors: {
    bodyBg: '#F8F8F1'
    dark: {
    palette: {
    secondary: {
    customColors: {
    bodyBg: '#1E1E1E'
  2. Now follow the common customization steps mentioned above.