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Settings Context


Settings Context has been created so that the template is independent of the redux store for storing the variables used in the template.


Following are the properties and their values that are stored in the Settings Context:

settingsSettingsStores the settings.
updateSettings(settings: Partial<Settings>, options?: UpdateSettingsOptions) => voidFunction to update settings with provided values.
isSettingsChangedbooleanIndicates if settings have been modified.
resetSettings() => voidResets settings to default values.
updatePageSettings(settings: Partial<Settings>) => () => voidA function that updates the settings of a specific page.


Following are the properties and their values that are stored in the Settings:

modesystem, light, darkChanges the color theme. system aligns with the device settings.
skindefault, borderedSelects the template style. bordered adds visual borders.
semiDarktrue, falseToggles a semi-dark theme for balanced contrast.
layoutvertical, horizontal, collapsedDetermines the layout arrangement of the template.
navbarContentWidthcompact, wideAdjusts the navbar width.
contentWidthcompact, wideSets the main content area's width.
footerContentWidthcompact, wideDefines the footer's width.
primaryColorstringSpecifies the main color theme.

The values stored in the Settings are also saved in cookies.