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Static Menu

The static menu is the simplest way to create a menu where you render the menu components directly in your code without any dynamic data source. It is useful when you have a fixed set of menu items that do not change based on external factors.



Source Code

'use client'

// Component Imports
import VerticalNav, { Menu, MenuItem, MenuSection, SubMenu } from '@menu/vertical-menu'

const StaticMenu = () => {
return (
<VerticalNav customBreakpoint='200px'>
<Menu menuItemStyles={{ button: { paddingBlock: '12px' } }}>
<MenuSection label='Dashboards & Apps'>
<SubMenu label='Dashboards'>
<MenuSection label='Others'>
<SubMenu label='Menu Level'>
<MenuItem>Menu Level 2.1</MenuItem>
<SubMenu label='Menu Level 2.2'>
<MenuItem>Menu Level 3.1</MenuItem>
<MenuItem>Menu Level 3.2</MenuItem>

export default StaticMenu