# Authentication

Migrate from JWT auth to NextAuth

Please refer to this article if you want to migrate from JWT auth to NextAuth (opens new window).

# Overview

We only provide JWT authentication with the template for now. We might integrate other authentication services in future.

# Auth Context

We have created an Authentication context that returns all the necessary functions you might need to authenticate a user like login, logout etc. Please make sure to override context and make necessary changes according to your app requirements. We have created this context for demo purpose only.

# Usage Example

import { useAuth } from 'src/hooks/useAuth'

const Component = () => {
  const auth = useAuth()
  const { login, logout } = auth

  const handleErrCallback = err => {

  const handleLogin = () => {
    login({ email, password, rememberMe }, err => handleErrCallback(err))

  return (
      <Button onClick={handleLogin}>Login</Button>
      <Button onClick={logout}>logout</Button>

export default Component

# Overriding Auth

We are using localStorage & fake-db to store tokens and authenticate the user. In a real application, you might store the token & user data in a session or cookies.

Follow these steps to override the auth context:

  1. Open src/context/AuthContext.tsx file
  2. Now update the authentication code according to your authentication logic
  3. That's it now you can use your modified context.

# Auth Context Values

Property Type Description
user Object LoggedIn User Object
setUser Function Function to update LoggedIn User
isInitialized Boolean Returns if authentication is initialized or not
setIsInitialized Function Function to update isInitialized state
loading Boolean Returns if app is loading
setLoading Function Function to update loading state
login Function Function to login user.
logout Function Function to logout user.

# Securing Pages

We have created a wrapper that checks for the authentication status and redirects user if not logged in.

There are two types of guards:

  • AuthGuard
  • GuestGuard

Default value for both guards are as follows:

  • authGuard: true
  • guestGuard: false

User don't have to define AuthGuard or GuestGuard on all the pages as we have already defined default values as above.

Now let's consider scenarios where we need to override AuthGuard & GuestGuard.

# Guest Guard

For public pages like Login, Registration, Forgot Password, etc., we need to set GuestGuard value to true, as we don't want already logged in user to visit those pages and only guest should be able to visit those pages.

Setting GuestGuard to true in LoginPage component. Visit src/pages/login/index.tsx to see it in the action and find out where and how to configure / override guestGuard.

LoginPage.guestGuard = true

Setting GuestGuard to true will redirect already logged in user to home page whenever they try to visit the public pages like Login. So make sure to only change / override guestGuard when you do not want logged in users to visit that page.

# Auth Guard

Now, let's consider error pages, coming soon, under maintenance or common pages which is accessible by both guest and logged in users. User just need to set authGuard to false to do the same.

Setting authGuard to false in ComingSoon page component:

ComingSoon.authGuard = false

Setting authGuard to false will allow all the users to visit that page whether logged in or not.

If you want to show menu items in the navigation menu for the logged out user as well, it is necessary to add the auth: false parameter in @src/navigation/vertical/index.tsx and/or @src/navigation/horizontal/index.tsx file(s).

If a single link is to be displayed, auth property should be added solely to the corresponding menu link. If a link is to be displayed which is in a sub-menu, then the auth property must be added to both the link and the submenu. Additionally, if a section title is to be displayed for number of links and/or groups, then auth property must be added to the section title as well.

Refer to the example below:





    title: 'Dashboards',
    icon: 'mdi:home-outline',
    badgeContent: 'new',
    badgeColor: 'error',
    auth: false,
    children: [
        title: 'Analytics',
        path: '/dashboards/analytics'
        title: 'eCommerce',
        path: '/dashboards/ecommerce',
        auth: false
    auth: false,
    sectionTitle: 'Apps & Pages'
    auth: false,
    title: 'Email',
    icon: 'mdi:email-outline',
    path: '/apps/email'

# onTokenExpiration

We provide onTokenExpiration property in src/configs/auth. It decides what action should take place when issued token is expired.

Value Description
logout will logout and redirect the user to /login page.
refreshToken will generate new token for the current user.


Because we're storing data in localStorage when you change the onTokenExpiration you'll have to clear the localStorage and login again.

# JWT Token

We sign the user token in src/@fake-db/auth/jwt.js file.

The jwtConfig object contains three things expirationTime, secret refreshTokenSecret.

Value Description
expirationTime User token expiration time
secret JWT secret to sign accessToken
refreshTokenSecret JWT secret to sign refreshToken

As shown in the above section you can either logout the user or referToken on token expiration. You can find the logic for that '/auth/me' onGet request in the same file.

You can use jwt.verify function to check for token validity and create a function according to your needs.

Here's how we have used jwt.verify:

mock.onGet('/auth/me').reply(config => { 
  // Get token from header
  const token = config.headers.Authorization

  // Default response
  let response: ResponseType = [200, {}]

  // Checks if the token is valid or expired
  jwt.verify(token, jwtConfig.secret, (err, decoded) => {
    // If token is expired
    if (err) {
      // If onTokenExpiration === 'logout' then send 401 error
      if (defaultAuthConfig.onTokenExpiration === 'logout') {
        response = [401, { error: { error: 'Invalid User' } }]
      } else {
        // If onTokenExpiration === 'refreshToken' then generate the new token
        const oldTokenDecoded = jwt.decode(token, { complete: true })
        // Get user id from old token
        const { id: userId } = oldTokenDecoded.payload

        // Get user that matches id in token
        const user = users.find(u => u.id === userId)
        // Sign a new token
        const accessToken = jwt.sign({ id: userId }, jwtConfig.secret, { expiresIn: jwtConfig.expirationTime })

        // Set new token in localStorage
        window.localStorage.setItem(defaultAuthConfig.storageTokenKeyName, accessToken)

        const obj = { userData: { ...user, password: undefined } }

        // return 200 with user data
        response = [200, obj]
    } else {
      // If token is valid do nothing      
      const userId = decoded.id

      // Get user that matches id in token
      const userData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(users.find((u: UserDataType) => u.id === userId)))

      delete userData.password

      // return 200 with user data
      response = [200, { userData }]

  // Send Response 
  return response

# How to remove Authentication

Removing the authentication from the app is simple.

If you want to remove authentication from your project, there will be no point of giving access to users according to their role. Thus, you need to remove Access Control (ACL) from the project. Please refer to this doc to remove ACL.

Now, follow the steps given below to remove authentication from your project.

Changes in scr/pages/_app.tsx file

  1. Remove all Auth related import statements

    import { ReactNode } from 'react'
    import AuthGuard from 'src/@core/components/auth/AuthGuard'
    import GuestGuard from 'src/@core/components/auth/GuestGuard'
    import Spinner from 'src/@core/components/spinner'
    import { AuthProvider } from 'src/context/AuthContext'
  2. Remove the Guard Component and its wrapper

  3. Remove the wrapper of the AuthProvider component

  4. Remove the authGuard & guestGuard variables

  5. Remove the GuardProps type

Changes in other files

  1. Remove src/@core/components/auth folder
  2. Search and remove Component.guestGuard & Component.authGuard methods from all the files (where Component is the name of the component)
  3. Remove authGuard?: boolean and guestGuard?: boolean from the next.d.ts file
  4. Remove the src/@fake-db/auth folder and the import './auth/jwt' import statement from the file src/@fake-db/index.ts
  5. Remove src/context/AuthContext.tsx & all types related to the Auth from the src/context/types.ts file and their import statements & their usage inside src folder
  6. Remove src/hooks/useAuth.tsx file and its import statements & their usage inside src folder
  7. If you want the user dropdown in the appBar, you need to override that component in src/@core/layouts/components/shared-components/UserDropdown.tsx file. If you do not require the user dropdown, then remove src/@core/layouts/components/shared-components/UserDropdown.tsx file, its import statements and its usage in src/layouts/components/vertical/AppBarContent.tsx and src/layouts/components/horizontal/AppBarContent.tsx files

That's it. Now your app is auth free.

Last Updated: 8/8/2024, 6:07:23 AM