# Loaders

# Pace Loader (Page Loader)

We're using nprogress (opens new window) as the paceloader (or page loader).

If you want to disable it, change the routingLoader property to false in the src/configs/themeConfig.ts file.

But if you want to remove the package, follow these steps:

  • Remove nprogress & @types/nprogress packages from the package.json file
  • Remove the following snippet in the src/pages/_app.ts file
import NProgress from 'nprogress'

// ** Pace Loader
if (themeConfig.routingLoader) {
  Router.events.on('routeChangeStart', () => {
  Router.events.on('routeChangeError', () => {
  Router.events.on('routeChangeComplete', () => {

If you want to keep the splash screen as it is with your logo, then follow these steps:

  • Make a new file in the src/layouts/components folder
  • Copy the code from the src/@core/components/spinner/index.tsx file and paste it in the file you just made
  • Remove our SVG logo and add your logo (you can add the logo of any format viz. JPEG, PNG, SVG, etc.)
  • Pass your component in the fallback prop with the AuthGuard and GuestGuard components in the src/pages/_app.tsx file.
// src/pages/_app.tsx

import UserSpinner from 'src/layouts/components/UserSpinner'

<GuestGuard fallback={<UserSpinner />}>{children}</GuestGuard>
<AuthGuard fallback={<UserSpinner />}>{children}</AuthGuard>

If you want to change the whole splash screen, then follow these steps:

  • Make your own loader component in the src/layouts/components folder
  • Pass your component in the fallback prop with the AuthGuard and GuestGuard components in the src/pages/_app.tsx file.
// src/pages/_app.tsx

import UserSpinner from 'src/layouts/components/UserSpinner'

<GuestGuard fallback={<UserSpinner />}>{children}</GuestGuard>
<AuthGuard fallback={<UserSpinner />}>{children}</AuthGuard>

You can also pass null instead of a loader if you don't want to show a loader in the splash screen.

Last Updated: 8/8/2024, 6:07:23 AM