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General Settings

The General Settings page is a central place where you can manage several aspects of your application, including its layout, features, and integrations. This page is divided into multiple tabs, each handling different settings, allowing you to customize your application for a seamless user experience.


The general settings are divided into four main sections:

  1. Tracking Configuration
  2. Social Links Management
  3. Pages & Components
  4. Share Settings

Each section is designed to help you manage different aspects of your application with ease.

📊 Tracking Configuration

This tab allows you to integrate tracking services like Google Analytics to monitor and analyze traffic to your site.

  • Google Tag Manager Setup: You can configure Google Tag Manager by providing your GTM (Google Tag Manager) ID:

This ID will be automatically integrated into your application's tracking system.


The GTM code is implemented in a way that ensures optimal loading and doesn't impact your application's performance.

  • Custom Tracking Providers: You can add multiple custom tracking providers to your application. For each provider, you need to specify:

    1. Provider Name: A descriptive name for the tracking service
    2. Tracking Snippet: The JavaScript code snippet provided by the service

All tracking snippets are validated to ensure they contain proper script tags and won't cause any issues with your application.

This section allows you to manage all your social media connections in one place.

  • Adding Social Links: For each social media link, you can configure:

    1. Title: Specify the name of the social platform (e.g., Facebook, github).
    2. Icon: Choose the corresponding icon for the platform (e.g., TbBrandFacebook, TbBrandGithub).
    3. URL: The full URL to your social media profile

    You can also add or remove social links as needed.

    ✨ Best Practice: Ensure all social links are active and pointing to the correct accounts to maintain professionalism.

📄 Pages & Components

This tab allows you to enable or disable certain public-facing pages and features on your site.

  • Roadmap Enabled: Toggle this setting to make the Roadmap page visible to the public.
  • Blog Enabled: Enable or disable the Blog feature, which controls the visibility of the blog on the public site.

⚠️ Note: You must enable the Blog here to start using any blog-related features.

📤 Share Settings

This section allows you to configure how content sharing works across your application.

Share This Integration: Enable or disable the "Share This" functionality:

  1. When enabled:

    • Social sharing buttons appear on blog posts
    • Users can easily share content on various platforms
    • Share counts are tracked and displayed
  2. When disabled:

    • Share buttons are hidden
    • No social sharing metrics are collected