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In JetShip, you have the flexibility to choose and configure your payment provider for processing transactions. JetShip integrates two powerful payment providers:

  1. Stripe (Default)
  2. LemonSqueezy

Only one payment provider can be active at a time. By default, Stripe is selected, but you can easily switch to LemonSqueezy through your environment configuration.

Choosing a Payment Provider

When selecting a payment provider, consider the following factors:

  • Charges: Compare the transaction fees between Stripe and LemonSqueezy
  • Supported Countries: Make sure the provider operates in your target countries
  • Supported Currencies: Check if your preferred currency is supported
  • Payment Methods: Each provider supports different payment methods
  • Payout Time: Understand the fund transfer timeline
  • Refund Processing: Consider refund processing times
  • Dispute Resolution: Review dispute handling procedures

💡 Tip: Before going live, create a test account with each payment provider to familiarize yourself with the payment flow and test your integration.

Note: If you're looking to set up an affiliate program for your product, consider using LemonSqueezy, as it offers a built-in affiliate system. Additionally, if your product is downloadable, such as a tutorial PDF, LemonSqueezy allows users to access their downloads immediately after payment is confirmed. These features are not available with Stripe, which requires manual handling for both affiliate management and digital product delivery.

Configuring Payment Providers

JetShip uses a type-safe configuration approach through billingConfig.ts. This configuration is used to:

  • Define your products and pricing
  • Configure payment options
  • Set up subscription plans
  • Manage features and variants

For detailed configuration types and examples, see Billing Schema.

Switching Payment Providers

⚠️ Warning: Switching payment providers after going live is not recommended as it requires:

  • You will need to recreate all products, prices, and discounts in the new payment provider
  • Customers will have to re-enter their payment details
  • You may lose historical payment and subscription data
  • Users will need to switch to a new customer portal
  • The migration process can be complex and time-consuming

If you must switch providers:

  1. Update the payment provider settings in your .env file
  2. Reconfigure the payment provider in the admin panel
  3. Update billingConfig.ts
  4. Notify your users about the change
  5. Update the customer portal links


JetShip provides a flexible payment configuration system, supporting both Stripe and LemonSqueezy for one-time purchases and subscriptions. Make sure to carefully review and test your setup before going live.

For detailed configuration examples and schema information, refer to our Billing Schema documentation.