# Avatar

# Overview

Please visit MUI Avatar Docs (opens new window) for a proper explanation of the Avatar component.

Avatar component is slightly modified to make it more beautiful and useable. Let's have a glance.


We have only mentioned the extended props here but you can still use the default MUI avatar props.

# Avatar Colors

Use the color prop so you don't have to use the sx prop and write the styles inside it.

Use the MUI colors primary | secondary | success | error | warning | info to create colored avatars.

Here is the example of how to use the colors mentioned above:

import Icon from 'src/@core/components/icon'
import CustomAvatar from 'src/@core/components/mui/avatar'

<CustomAvatar color='primary'>
  <Icon icon='bx-bell' />
<CustomAvatar color='secondary'>
  <Icon icon='bx-bell' />
<CustomAvatar color='success'>
  <Icon icon='bx-bell' />
<CustomAvatar color='error'>
  <Icon icon='bx-bell' />
<CustomAvatar color='warning'>
  <Icon icon='bx-bell' />
<CustomAvatar color='info'>
  <Icon icon='bx-bell' />



# Avatar Skins

There are three skins avatar skins filled | light | light-static.

Please Note: The difference between light & light-static can only be seen in the Dark layout.

Here is the example of how to use the skins mentioned above:

import CustomAvatar from 'src/@core/components/mui/avatar'

<CustomAvatar skin='filled'>N</CustomAvatar> // OR <CustomAvatar>N</CustomAvatar>
<CustomAvatar skin='light' color='error'>OP</CustomAvatar>
<CustomAvatar skin='light-static' color='error'>AB</CustomAvatar>



# Props

Prop Type Default Required Description
skin filled, light, light-static filled No Skin of the avatar
color primary, secondary, success, error, warning, info primary No Background color of the avatar
Last Updated: 8/8/2024, 6:07:23 AM