Grunt Tasks

Installing Node.js

First, you must download and install node.js. NPM stands for node packaged modules and is a way to manage development dependencies through Node.js.

Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform, and start developing, you can download it from

You can check it in your terminal window using these commands node --version and npm --version.

Installing Grunt

GruntJS is a JavaScipt task runner. In one word: automation. The less work you have to do when performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc...

Cryoto ICO Build System use the grunt task to generate the different templates.

From the command line:

  • Install grunt-cli globally with npm install -g grunt-cli
  • To install node packages, navigate to the root crypto-dash-admin/directory, then run npm install. NPM use the package.json file and automatically install the required local dependencies listed in it.

Grunt Commands

Gruntfile.js file contain all the predefined task. Below template contain all the grunt task and usage.

You can modify or add your task in Gruntfile.js file.

Command Description
grunt dist-clean Clean js and css folders from app-assets.
grunt dist-js Grunt task to clean js folder from app-assets, copy js files from src folder and minify them.
grunt sass-compile Compile core, main(app), pages and plugins scss files.
grunt dist-css Clean css folder, compile all scss files, auto prefix them, organize them and finally minify them in app-assets/css folder.
grunt dist-css-rtl Clean css folder, compile all scss files, auto prefix them, organize them and finally minify them in app-assets/css-rtl folder.
grunt dist Grunt task to generate css and js files in app-assets folder.
grunt monitor Watch all scss and pug files change and compile it accordingly. In this command you need to pass the Layout, LayoutName & TextDirection. Read grunt template commands for more info.
grunt server Start browser sync.