# Option Menu

# Overview

Use this component to add an IconButton (opens new window) which opens a menu/dropdown (opens new window). You can use it anywhere in your project.

# Usage

import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography'
import Icon from 'src/@core/components/icon'
import OptionsMenu from 'src/@core/components/option-menu'

const SomeComponent = () => {
  return (
      icon={<Icon icon='bx:chevron-down' />}
      iconButtonProps={{ size: 'small', sx: { color: 'text.secondary' } }}
          icon: <Icon icon='bx:send' />,
          text: <Typography>Send</Typography>,
          menuItemProps: { sx: { '& svg': { mr: 2, color: 'text.secondary' } } }
        { text: 'Styled Item', menuItemProps: { sx: { color: 'error.main' } } },
        { divider: true, dividerProps: { sx: { m: '0 !important' } } },
        { text: 'Item with Object' },
        { text: 'Selected Menu', menuItemProps: { selected: true } },
        'Item with String',
        { text: 'Disabled Menu', menuItemProps: { disabled: true } }

export default SomeComponent



# Props

Props Type Required Description
options OptionType[] Yes Add all the menu items
icon ReactNode No Change the icon in the MUI's IconButton component
menuProps MenuProps No Add props of the MUI's Menu component
leftAlignMenu boolean No If true, menu will align to left side
iconButtonProps IconButtonProps No Add props of the MUI's IconButton component
iconProps SvgIconProps No Add props of the icon component

# The type of OptionType is either:



Props Type Required Description
divider boolean Yes To add a separator in the menu
dividerProps DividerProps No Add props of the MUI's Divider component


Props Type Required Description
text ReactNode Yes The text inside a menu item
icon ReactNode No To add an icon in a menu item
menuItemProps MenuItemProps No Add props of the MUI's MenuItem component
Last Updated: 8/8/2024, 6:07:23 AM