# Radio

# Overview

We have made the custom radio components for you to make it easy for you and you don't have to waste your precious time.

Please visit MUI Radio Docs (opens new window) for a proper explanation of the Radio component.

# Basic Custom Radio



# Props

Prop Type Required Description
name string Yes Name attribute of the radio
selected string Yes Selected radio
data CustomRadioBasicData Yes Object to create radio
handleChange (prop: string | ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void Yes Run a function when an option is changed
gridProps GridProps Yes Add props of the MUI's Grid component
color primary, secondary, error, warning, info, success No Color of the selected radios

# The type of CustomRadioBasicData is as follows:

Property Type Required Description
value string Yes Identify a particular radio
title ReactNode No Title for the radio component
meta ReactNode No Add content to the right side of the title. (To add meta in your radio, you need to add the title property as well)
content ReactNode No Add content below the title
isSelected boolean No If true, the radio will be selected at the initial render

# Custom Radio with Icons



# Props

Prop Type Required Description
name string Yes Name attribute of the radio
selected string Yes Selected radio
data CustomRadioIconsData Yes Object to create radio
handleChange (prop: string | ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void Yes Run a function when an option is changed
gridProps GridProps Yes Add props of the MUI's Grid component
icon string No Icon for the radio component
iconProps Omit<IconProps, 'icon'> No Add props of Iconify's Icon component
color primary, secondary, error, warning, info, success No Color of the selected radios

# The type of CustomRadioIconsData is as follows:

Property Type Required Description
value string Yes Identify a particular radio
title ReactNode No Title for the radio component
content ReactNode No Add content below the title
isSelected boolean No If true, the radio will be selected at the initial render. (If multiple radios are selected, then it is up to the user how to handle them)

# Custom Radio with Images



# Props

Prop Type Required Description
name string Yes Name attribute of the radio
selected string Yes Selected radio
data CustomRadioImgData Yes Object to create radio
handleChange (prop: string | ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void Yes Run a function when an option is changed
gridProps GridProps Yes Add props of the MUI's Grid component
color primary, secondary, error, warning, info, success No Color of the selected radios

# The type of CustomRadioImgData is as follows:

Property Type Required Description
value string Yes Identify a particular radio
img ReactNode Yes Image for the radio
alt string No Alternate text for the image
isSelected boolean No If true, the radio will be selected at the initial render
Last Updated: 8/8/2024, 6:07:23 AM