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Navbar Shortcuts

File: src/@core/components/Shortcuts.vue

You can create quick links for your favorite apps and pages using this component.

Below is code snippet of component usage:

<script setup lang="ts">
const shortcuts = [
    icon: 'mdi-calendar',
    title: 'Calendar',
    subtitle: 'Appointments',
    to: { name: 'apps-calendar' },
    icon: 'mdi-file-document-outline',
    title: 'Invoice App',
    subtitle: 'Manage Accounts',
    to: { name: 'apps-invoice-list' },
    icon: 'mdi-account-outline',
    title: 'Users',
    subtitle: 'Manage Users',
    to: { name: 'apps-user-list' },
    icon: 'mdi-view-dashboard-outline',
    title: 'Dashboard',
    subtitle: 'Dashboard Analytics',
    to: { name: 'dashboards-analytics' },
    icon: 'mdi-cog-outline',
    title: 'Settings',
    subtitle: 'Account Settings',
    to: { name: 'pages-account-settings-tab', params: { tab: 'account' } },
    icon: 'mdi-help-circle-outline',
    title: 'Help Center',
    subtitle: 'FAQs & Articles',
    to: { name: 'pages-help-center' },

  <Shortcuts :shortcuts="shortcuts" />
<script setup>
const shortcuts = [
    icon: 'mdi-calendar',
    title: 'Calendar',
    subtitle: 'Appointments',
    to: { name: 'apps-calendar' },
    icon: 'mdi-file-document-outline',
    title: 'Invoice App',
    subtitle: 'Manage Accounts',
    to: { name: 'apps-invoice-list' },
    icon: 'mdi-account-outline',
    title: 'Users',
    subtitle: 'Manage Users',
    to: { name: 'apps-user-list' },
    icon: 'mdi-view-dashboard-outline',
    title: 'Dashboard',
    subtitle: 'Dashboard Analytics',
    to: { name: 'dashboards-analytics' },
    icon: 'mdi-cog-outline',
    title: 'Settings',
    subtitle: 'Account Settings',
    to: { name: 'pages-account-settings-tab', params: { tab: 'account' } },
    icon: 'mdi-help-circle-outline',
    title: 'Help Center',
    subtitle: 'FAQs & Articles',
    to: { name: 'pages-help-center' },

  <Shortcuts :shortcuts="shortcuts" />