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Folder Structure

In addition, to below explanation if you are using nuxt, you can follow their official documentation here.

To gain a comprehensive visual understanding of the Vuejs folder structure, please check out this YouTube video.

If you're using Nuxtjs, feel free to check out this detailed video on Nuxtjs folder structure here.

├── public                   # Folder for public files
   ├── images/                # Public images
   ├── favicon.ico            # Favicon
   └── loader.css             # Logo while loading at initial
   └── mockServiceWorker.js   # Mock service provider worker
├── src                      # Views, Layouts, plugins and vue.js components
   ├── @core/                 # Contains core files
   ├── @layouts/              # Standalone layout package
   ├── assets/                # Contain logos and other static assets
   └── components/            # Contain components
   └── composables/           # Contain composables
   └── layouts/               # Contain app's layout
   └── navigation/            # Contain vertical & horizontal nav items
   └── pages/                 # Contain app pages
   └── plugins/               # Contain plugins
   └── utils/                 # Contain utility functions
   └── views/                 # Separate large page in smaller chunk
   └── App.vue                # Main App.vue file
   └── main.ts                # Main typescript file
├── .dockerignore            # Files and Directories to ignore for docker (only Vue)
├── .editorconfig            # Config for editor
├── .env.example             # Include Database credentials and other environment variables
├── .eslintrc.cjs            # ESLint Configuration
├── .gitignore               # Files and Directories to ignore
├── .npmrc                   # npm config files
├── .nvmrc                   # nvm config files
├── .stylelintrc.json        # Style related file
├── auto-imports.d.ts        # Unplugin auto import file
├── components.d.ts          # Unplugin vue components
├── dev.Dockerfile           # Development docker files (only Vue)
├──   # Development docker compose files (only Vue)
├──  # Production docker compose files (only Vue)
├── env.d.ts                 # Typescript only
├── index.html               # Main index file
├── nginx.conf               # nginx config files (only Vue)
├── package.json             # Dependencies used by node
├── prod.Dockerfile          # Production docker files (only Vue)
├── shims.d.ts               # Typescript only
├── themeConfig.ts           # Theme Customizer
├── tsconfig.json            # Typescript only file
├── typed-router.d.ts        # Router typed file
└── vite.config.ts           # 1Vite config


This directory contains our core files and you are not intended to change these files. Read more here

@core/utils and @core/components are auto imported when used.


You can find out what's auto imported by checking out vite.config.ts or nuxt.config.ts


Our template comes with layouts plugin which is standalone package you can use in any vue project. You can find it in src/@layouts directory. Read more here


It contains logos and other static assets. You can place your static assets here.


Place your component in this directory. Components in this dir will be auto-registered and on-demand.


It contains your composables. Composables placed inside this directory will get auto imported when used.


Place your app's layouts in this directory.

In Vue, This is used in conjunction with unplugin-vue-router which is used for pages directory to generate routes based on directory structure just like nuxt.

This directory contains vertical nav & horizontal nav items. Items written in src/navigation/vertical/index.ts will be for vertical nav and items written in src/navigation/horizontal/index.ts will be for horizontal nav. Both files are imported in src/layouts/default.vue).

Related: Fetching navigation items from database via API


Contains your app pages. Just create a new file and new route will be auto generated based on file name and its placement in the pages directory.

Show me basic example 👀
  1. Create a new file in pages directory src/pages/about.vue with following content

      <p>This is about page</p>
  2. Visit your dev server to check out the page. You can access it via /about route.

✨ Route is auto generated based on your file name

Related: How to create a new page


This directory contains plugins we used in our template. Plugins placed inside this directory will get auto registered.

For nuxt, you can follow the official docs here.

For vue, we have convention that will allow auto registering the plugins similar to nuxt. For registering the plugin, export default a function that takes app as argument and use it to register your plugin.

import type { App } from 'vue'

export default function (app: App) {
  export const store = createPinia()
export default function (app) {
  export const store = createPinia()


This directory holds the utility functions. Functions placed inside this directory will get auto imported when used.


You can separate large page in smaller chunk/component and place them in this directory.