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  • pnpm package manager is recommended
  • Node LTS version is required
How do I check my node version?

Run below command in your terminal:

node -v

Make sure output version is LTS version.

Getting started

  1. Download our template from marketplace

  2. Unzip it in your desired location

    Getting Error: [plugin:vite:css] [sass] Can't find stylesheet to import.

    You might get this error on Windows OS if you unzip the template in a directory which has space in its path. For example, C:\Users\My User\Documents\my-project. Notice, there is a space in My User directory name.

    To avoid this error, please make sure you unzip the template in a directory which doesn't have space in its path. For example, C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\my-project. Additionally, also make sure your project it self doesn't have space in its name. For example, my-project is fine but my project is not.

    We already reported the issue to vuetify team. You can track the issue here: #300

  3. Navigate to the project you want to run (full-version or starter-kit). To make sure you are in right directory check if that directory contains files like package.json, .gitignore etc.

Copying from unzipped directory

If you are copying file from unzipped directory then make sure to copy all the hidden files as well, like .eslintrc.js, .gitignore, etc.

To make sure, match the zip file content and extracted directory.

Enable show hidden files feature in your system to view the hidden files if you can't see them in extracted directory.

  1. Open terminal in that directory

  2. Create a .env file based on the .env.example file and add your environment variables to it.

Sample .env file for vue & nuxt


If you are using the Fleet application, ensure you add the MapBox access token to your .env file. You can obtain your MapBox access token from the MapBox Account Dashboard.

  1. Run below commands:
# It will install all packages
pnpm install

# Will start the dev server
pnpm run dev
# It will install all packages
pnpm install

# Will start the dev server
pnpm run dev
  1. Open the dev server URL in browser.

Related FAQ:

Generating build for production

  1. To generate a production build, use the following commands:
pnpm build
npm run build
  1. Previewing build differs for both Vue and Nuxt. Please follow the guide for your framework:


Once the build is generated, you can preview it on your local system using the following commands:

pnpm preview
npm run preview


Refer to this documentation for detailed deployment guide.


You can preview normal nuxt app via below command:

node .output/server/index.mjs

Above command will work for our starter-kit as well.

However, we have in full version of the template we have need to set some environment variables before running above command. So, for full version of the template, run below command:

# ❗ Assuming preview will be on localhost:3000
AUTH_SECRET=YOUR_SECRET AUTH_ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000 node .output/server/index.mjs

AUTH_SECRET is just random but confidential

If you have more environment variables, You can add them like AUTH_ORIGIN and AUTH_SECRET.

For more detailed guide please refer to Nuxt's official guide.


Make sure you are in the project directory before running above commands and also that you have pnpm or npm installed on your machine