Django Third-party Libraries

Django Starter Project includes all Third-party libraries by default.

Optionally you can remove unwanted plugins to reduce output assets size and compile time:

  1. Remove unwanted packages from the dependencies section in the starter-kit/src/package.json file.
  2. Remove related directories from starter-kit/src/assets/vendor/libs directory.
  3. Remove related @imports and @includes from starter-kit/src/assets/vendor/scss/_theme/_libs.scss file.

For example, if you want to exclude swiper plugin, you will need to:

  1. Remove swiper dependency in the starter-kit/src/package.json file.
  2. Remove the starter-kit/src/assets/vendor/libs/swiper directory.
  3. Remove below lines from starter-kit/src/scss/_theme/_libs.scss file.
  4. Nevigate to src folder then Build the assets again.
  5. ...
    @import "../../libs/swiper/mixins";
      @include swiper-theme($background);
  6. Compile Assets as described here
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