.Net Core MVC AspnetCoreMvcStarter vs AspnetCoreMvcFull

Here, we understand basic difference between our AspnetMvcCoreFull and AspnetCoreMvcStarter package versions.


AspnetCoreMvcStarter is a minimal template from where you can start your project quickly instead of removing stuff that isn't needed. Below are quick notes on the starter-kit:

  • Simple Navbar
  • Simple Footer
  • Two sample pages

Use it if you don't want to clutter your project with extra libs which aren't required. You still need to streamline all the dependencies from package.json file. We have taken care of cleaning up unnecessary code . You can just copy components from full version into the starter kit it should work 😍.


This setup has all the things which you can see in the live demo. Except for that red Buy Now button 😅.

With this, you have to remove things that you don't use or replace them with your content.


According to us, AspnetCoreMvcStarter is easy to get started with minimal setup and our folder and code structure will help you add libs support in AspnetCoreMvcStarter more easily than ever. Still, if your project becomes easy with the AspnetCoreMvcFull package, go for it.

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