
Sneat provides custom switches. A switch has the markup of a custom checkbox but uses the .switch class to render a toggle switch.

Switches Type

Default & Outline are two different types of custom switches, each serving its own semantic purpose.


The default switch has a solid background style and it comes with two different shapes Round & Square. Use .switch for default round switches.

It can be used with icons too as shown in the example.

Default with icon
<div class="row row-bordered g-0">
  <div class="col-sm-6 p-6">
    <div class="small fw-medium mb-4">Default</div>
    <label class="switch">
      <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
      <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
        <span class="switch-on"></span>
        <span class="switch-off"></span>
      <span class="switch-label">Default</span>
  <div class="col-sm-6 p-6">
    <div class="small fw-medium mb-4">Default with icon</div>
    <label class="switch">
      <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
      <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
        <span class="switch-on">
          <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
        <span class="switch-off">
          <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
      <span class="switch-label">With icon</span>

Use .switch.switch-square for default square switch. It can also be used with icons too as shown in the example.

Default with icon
<div class="row row-bordered g-0">
  <div class="col-sm-6 p-6">
    <div class="small fw-medium mb-4">Default</div>
    <label class="switch switch-square">
      <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
      <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
        <span class="switch-on"></span>
        <span class="switch-off"></span>
      <span class="switch-label">Default</span>
  <div class="col-sm-6 p-6">
    <div class="small fw-medium mb-4">Default with icon</div>
    <label class="switch switch-square">
      <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
      <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
        <span class="switch-on"><i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i></span>
        <span class="switch-off"><i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i></span>
      <span class="switch-label">With icon</span>


Sneat includes several predefined variations of switches.


<!-- Primary -->
<label class="switch switch-primary">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" checked />
  <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
    <span class="switch-on">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
    <span class="switch-off">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
  <span class="switch-label">Primary</span>

<!-- Secondary -->
<label class="switch switch-secondary">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" checked />
  <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
    <span class="switch-on">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
    <span class="switch-off">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
  <span class="switch-label">Secondary</span>

<!-- Success -->
<label class="switch switch-success">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" checked />
  <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
    <span class="switch-on">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
    <span class="switch-off">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
  <span class="switch-label">Success</span>

<!-- Danger -->
<label class="switch switch-danger">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" checked />
  <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
    <span class="switch-on">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
    <span class="switch-off">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
  <span class="switch-label">Danger</span>

<!-- Warning -->
<label class="switch switch-warning">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" checked />
  <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
    <span class="switch-on">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
    <span class="switch-off">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
  <span class="switch-label">Warning</span>

<!-- Info -->
<label class="switch switch-info">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" checked />
  <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
    <span class="switch-on">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
    <span class="switch-off">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
  <span class="switch-label">Info</span>

<!-- Dark -->
<label class="switch switch-dark">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" checked />
  <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
    <span class="switch-on">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
    <span class="switch-off">
      <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
  <span class="switch-label">Dark</span>
Class Value
class="switch switch-{value}" primary | secondary | success | danger | warning | info | light | dark


Fancy larger or smaller switches? Add .switch-lg or .switch-sm for additional sizes.



<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-6 mb-6 mb-sm-0">
    <div class="small fw-medium">Default</div>
    <div class="demo-vertical-spacing">
      <label class="switch switch-sm">
        <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
          <span class="switch-off">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
        <span class="switch-label">Small</span>

      <br />

      <label class="switch">
        <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
          <span class="switch-off">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
        <span class="switch-label">Default</span>

      <br />

      <label class="switch switch-lg">
        <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
          <span class="switch-off">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
        <span class="switch-label">Large</span>

  <div class="col-sm-6">
    <div class="small fw-medium">Square</div>
    <div class="demo-vertical-spacing">
      <label class="switch switch-square switch-sm">
        <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
          <span class="switch-off">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
        <span class="switch-label">Small</span>

      <br />

      <label class="switch switch-square">
        <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
          <span class="switch-off">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
        <span class="switch-label">Default</span>

      <br />

      <label class="switch switch-square switch-lg">
        <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-check"></i>
          <span class="switch-off">
            <i class="icon-base bx bx-x"></i>
        <span class="switch-label">Large</span>



Make switches look inactive by adding the disabled boolean attribute to the <input> inside .switch.

<label class="switch mb-4">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" disabled />
  <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
    <span class="switch-on"></span>
    <span class="switch-off"></span>
  <span class="switch-label">Default - OFF</span>

<br />

<label class="switch">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input" checked disabled />
  <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
    <span class="switch-on"></span>
    <span class="switch-off"></span>
  <span class="switch-label">Default - ON</span>


Add validations states to switches by adding bootstrap .is-valid or .is-invalid class. Custom switch also support jQuery Validation states.

<div class="mb-3">
  <label class="switch">
    <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input is-valid" checked />
    <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
      <span class="switch-on"></span>
      <span class="switch-off"></span>
    <span class="switch-label">Valid</span>

<div class="has-error">
  <label class="switch">
    <input type="checkbox" class="switch-input is-invalid" checked />
    <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
      <span class="switch-on"></span>
      <span class="switch-off"></span>
    <span class="switch-label">Invalid</span>

Stacked Radio

Wrap switches with .switches-stacked class for stacked/multiple switches options.

Radio (switch) are normally presented in radio switch groups. Only one switch in a group can be selected at a time. Use same name attribute with all the <input>s in .switch for a single group.

<div class="row row-bordered g-0">
  <div class="col-sm-6 p-6">
    <div class="small fw-medium mb-4">Default</div>
    <div class="switches-stacked">
      <label class="switch">
        <input type="radio" class="switch-input" name="switches-stacked-radio" checked />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on"></span>
          <span class="switch-off"></span>
        <span class="switch-label">Option 1</span>
      <label class="switch">
        <input type="radio" class="switch-input" name="switches-stacked-radio" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on"></span>
          <span class="switch-off"></span>
        <span class="switch-label">Option 2</span>
      <label class="switch">
        <input type="radio" class="switch-input" name="switches-stacked-radio" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on"></span>
          <span class="switch-off"></span>
        <span class="switch-label">Option 3</span>

  <div class="col-sm-6 p-6">
    <div class="small fw-medium mb-4">Square</div>
    <div class="switches-stacked">
      <label class="switch switch-square">
        <input type="radio" class="switch-input" name="switches-square-stacked-radio" checked />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on"></span>
          <span class="switch-off"></span>
        <span class="switch-label">Option 1</span>
      <label class="switch switch-square">
        <input type="radio" class="switch-input" name="switches-square-stacked-radio" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on"></span>
          <span class="switch-off"></span>
        <span class="switch-label">Option 2</span>
      <label class="switch switch-square">
        <input type="radio" class="switch-input" name="switches-square-stacked-radio" />
        <span class="switch-toggle-slider">
          <span class="switch-on"></span>
          <span class="switch-off"></span>
        <span class="switch-label">Option 3</span>


Variable Description
$switch-font-size Variable for switch font size
$switch-border-radius Variable for switch border radius
$switch-width Variable for default switch width
$switch-width-sm Variable for small switch width
$switch-width-lg Variable for large switch width
$switch-height Variable for large switch height
$switch-height-sm Variable for small switch height
$switch-height-lg Variable for large switch height
$switch-label-font-size Variable for default switch label font(icon) size
$switch-label-font-size-sm Variable for small switch label font(icon) size
$switch-label-font-size-lg Variable for large switch label font(icon) size
$switch-label-line-height Variable for default switch label line height
$switch-label-line-height-sm Variable for small switch label line height
$switch-label-line-height-lg Variable for large switch label line height
$switch-spacer-x Variable for switch horizontal spacing
$switch-spacer-y Variable for switch vertical spacing (.switches-stacked)
$switch-gutter Variable for switch gutter width
$switch-inner-spacer Variable for switch inner space
$switch-square-border-radius Variable for square switch border radius
$switch-label-color Variable for switch label color
$switch-label-disabled-color Variable for disabled switch label color
$switch-off-color Variable for off switch color
$switch-off-bg Variable for off switch background color
$switch-holder-bg Variable for switch holder color
$switch-holder-shadow Variable for switch holder shadow
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