Laravel Sail is a light-weight properties interface for interacting with Laravel's default Docker development environment.
Laravel Sail is a light-weight properties interface for interacting with Laravel's default Docker development environment. Sail provides a great starting point for building a Laravel application using PHP, MySQL, and Redis without requiring prior Docker experience.
At its heart, Sail is the docker-compose.yml
file and the sail
script that is stored at the root of your project. The sail
script provides a CLI with convenient methods for interacting with the Docker
containers defined by the code docker-compose.yml
Laravel Sail is supported on macOS, Linux, and Windows (via WSL2)
Docker is a tool for running applications and services in small, light-weight containers
which do not interfere with your local computer's installed software or configuration. This means you don't have to worry about configuring or setting up complicated development tools such as web servers and databases on your personal computer. To get started, you only need to install Docker.
Laravel Sail is automatically installed with all new Laravel applications so you may start using it immediately. To learn how to create a new Laravel application, please consult Laravel's installation documentation for your operating system.
using the Composer
package manager. Of course, these steps assume that your existing local development environment allows you to install Composer dependencies:
composer require laravel/sail --dev
Artisan command. This command will publish Sail's docker-compose.yml
file to the root of your application:php artisan sail:install
./vendor/bin/sail up
script that is included with all new Laravel applications:./vendor/bin/sail up
to execute Sail commands, you may wish to configure a Bash alias
that allows you to execute Sail's commands more easily:alias sail='[ -f sail ] && bash sail || bash vendor/bin/sail'
The remainder of this documentation's examples will assume that you have configured this alias:
sail up
Laravel Sail's docker-compose.yml
file defines a variety of Docker containers that work together to help you build Laravel applications. Each of these containers is an entry within the services configuration of your docker-compose.yml
file. The laravel.test
container is the primary application container that will be serving your application.
Before starting Sail, you should ensure that
no other web servers(xampp/wamp) or databases are running on your local computer. To start all of the Docker containers defined in your application's docker-compose.yml
file, you should execute the up command:
sail up
To start all of the Docker containers in the background, you may start Sail in detached
sail up -d
Once the application's containers have been started, you may access the project in your web browser at: http://localhost.
To stop all of the containers, you may simply press Control + C
to stop the container's execution. Or, if the containers are running in the background, you may use the stop command:
sail stop
sail artisan migrate
sail artisan migrate:fresh
app.sail artisan db:seed
app with docker & sail👍🏻docker run --rm \
-u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
-v "$(pwd):/var/www/html" \
-w /var/www/html \
laravelsail/php82-composer:latest \
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
file at root folder and rename it to .env
by running below command Or also can manually rename it:For Windows:
ren .env.example .env
mv .env.example .env
We assume that you have configured this alias
sail up -d
sail artisan key:generate
sail yarn
scripts, all of your application's SCSS/CSS
and JavaScript
assets will be compiled and placed in your application's public
directory:sail yarn build
sail yarn dev
Pages, SCSS
and JavaScript
, you need to run below sail command:sail npm run watch-poll
And, All set!!