.Net Core Folder Structure 📂

Understand folder structure of Sneat .Net Core and everything contains with description.

Package Folder Structure 📂

Once you unzip the package downloaded from marketplace/store, you will find folder which contains pre-compiled and source code flavors.

├── 📂 AspnetCoreFull                              >  Template with all our features, page, and apps.
├── 📂 AspnetCoreStarter                           >  Starter-kit is a minimal template from where you can start your project quickly
├── 📄 changelog.md                                >  Changelog File
├── 📄 documentation.html                          >  Redirect you to our live documentation
└── 📄 Readme.md                                   >  Readme File
  • AspnetCoreFull : This setup has all the things which you can see in the live demo. Except for that red Buy Now button 😅. Refer to the detailed documentation.
  • AspnetCoreStarter : AspnetCoreStarter is a minimal template from where you can start your project quickly instead of removing stuff that isn't needed. Refer to the detailed documentation
  • Changelog.md : Contains log for all the release of .Net Core.
  • documentation.html : This html file redirect you to our Live documentation.
  • Readme.md : Contains instructions to start with .Net Core template.

Template Folder Structure 📂

Below folder structure is same for AspnetCoreFull and AspnetCoreStarter.

  • scss/, libs/, fonts/ & js/ folders inside wwwroot/vendors folder are the source of this template.
  • public/assets/ folder contain static css, js, json, images and media files.
├── 📂 Pages                                        >  Page Views, Layouts
│   ├── 📂 _Partials                                  >  Contains Logo, Modal & Offcanvas partials
│   ├── 📂 Layouts                                    >  Contains basic & master layouts with include sections
│   │   ├── 📂 Sections                                 >  Contains all include files
│   │   │   ├── 📂 Footer                                 >  Contains footer section files
│   │   │   ├── 📂 Menu                                   >  Contains menu section files
│   │   │   ├── 📂 Navbar                                 >  Contains navbar section files
│   │   │   ├── 📄 _Scripts.cshtml                        >  Contains all the core scripts
│   │   │   ├── 📄 _ScriptsFront.cshtml                   >  Contains all the front pages scripts
│   │   │   ├── 📄 _ScriptsIncludes.cshtml                >  Contains all the scripts that we need to include immediate after including styles
│   │   │   ├── 📄 _ScriptsIncludesFront.cshtml           >  Contains all the scripts that we need to include immediate after including front styles
│   │   │   ├── 📄 _Styles.cshtml                         >  Contains all the core styles
│   │   │   ├── 📄 _StylesFront.cshtml                    >  Contains all the front pages styles
│   │   │   └── 📄 _Variables.cshtml                      >  Contains all the core variables
│   │   ├── 📄 _BlankLayout.cshtml                    >  blank layout
│   │   ├── 📄 _CommonMasterLayout.cshtml             >  Common Master layout
│   │   ├── 📄 _ContentNavbarLayout.cshtml            >  Vertical Layout
│   │   ├── 📄 _FrontLayout.cshtml                    >  Front Pages layout
│   │   ├── 📄 _HorizontalLayout.cshtml               >  Horizontal Layout
│   ├── 📄 _ViewImports.cshtml                      >  .Net Core default imports
│   ├── 📄 _ViewStart.cshtml                        >  Base Layout to start with
├── 📂 Properties                                   >  .Net Core properties
│   └── 📄 launchSetting.json                         >  Project specific settings
├── 📂 wwwroot                                      >  Contains template static & generated assets
│   ├── 📂 audio                                      >  Template audio files
│   ├── 📂 css                                        >  Demo & Site styles only
│   ├── 📂 img                                        >  Images (jpeg/png)
│   ├── 📂 js                                         >  All JS files i.e config, main, pages & apps
│   │   ├── 📄 main.js                                  >  Template Main JS file (Init)
│   │   ├── 📄 config.js                                >  Template Config JS file for easy customization
│   │   ├── 📄 front-main.js                            >  Front pages Main JS file (Init)
│   │   ├── 📄 front-config.js                          >  Front pages Config JS file for easy customization
│   │   └── 📄 ...
│   ├── 📂 json                                       >  Contains all JSON files like search, apps, tables, locales etc..
│   ├── 📂 svg                                        >  Contains svg images
│   └── 📂 vendors                                    >  Generated assets i.e css, js/*.dist.js, fonts & libs/*.dist.*
│   │   ├── 📂 css                                      >  Contains generated styles
│   │   ├── 📂 fonts                                    >  All the generated font assets
│   │   ├── 📂 js                                       >  All generated core js i.e. bootstrap, helpers, menu, template customizer etc...
│   │   ├── 📂 libs                                     >  Contains generated third-party library assets
│   │   └── 📂 scss                                     >  All the core SCSS files
├── 📄 .dockerignore                                >  It specifies patterns of files/directories to be excluded from the Docker build context(image)
├── 📄 .editorconfig
├── 📄 .gitignore
├── 📄 .prettierignore
├── 📄 .prettierrc.json
├── 📄 appsettings.Development.json                 >  An application configuration file of Development
├── 📄 appsettings.json                             >  An application configuration file used to store configuration settings
├── 📄 AspnetCoreFull.csproj                        >  To build the ASP.NET application
├── 📄 AspnetCoreFull.sln                           >  .Net Core Full solution(.sln) file
├── 📄 build-config.js                              >  Vendor Assets build configuration file
├── 📄 Gulpfile.js                                  >  Task runner file, defining tasks and workflows for automating web development processes
├── 📄 docker-compose.yml                           >  Simplifies docker container orchestration
├── 📄 Dockerfile                                   >  Isolate applications and their dependencies in a container that can run on any environment
├── 📄 package.json                                 >  Includes template details and dependencies, used for managing and building the template
├── 📄 Program.cs                                   >  Services required by the app are configured
├── 📄 webpack.config.js                            >  .Net Core's webpack file to transpile & bundle JS files.
└── 📄 yarn.lock                                    >  It locks down the specific versions of dependencies to ensure consistent and reproducible
                                                       installations across different environments.
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